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Benefits of Water Fasting - The Brothers Green

Fast Series Part 4: Eight Steps to a Successful Water Fast

The Brothers Green team regularly practice fasting and thrive from the nutrients that come from consuming the range of The Brothers Green raw hemp foods leading up to the fast.


The 8 Stages of a 72 Hour Water Fast

  1. 48-36 Hours Before the Fast - Prepare Your Body with Hemp Seed Oil
  2. 12 Hours Fasting - Enter the Metabolic State
  3. 18 Hours Fasting - Switch to Fat-Burning Mode
  4. 24 Hours Fasting - Autophagy
  5. 48 Hours Fasting - Increase Growth Hormone Levels
  6. 54 Hours Fasting - Insulin Levels Drop to Lowest Point
  7. 72 Hours Fasting - Generation of New Immune Cells
  8. After the Water Fast - The ‘Refeed’ with Hemp Seeds
How to Begin A Water Fast - The Brothers Green


    Stage 1 - How To Begin a Water Fast

    What you eat before the fast can set up the next few days for a greater chance of success. The 48 - 36 hours before the fast are important to prepare the body and mind. Beginning to implement a 16 hour fast for the day or two before will give your body time to adjust and then cut down the intake of energy intensive food to process. By eating light, wholefood meals (fruits and vegetables) and not consuming any processed foods you will allow your body to better capitalise on the benefits of the fast and make the most of the experience for autophagy and cell renewal.

    Hemp Oil

    Hemp Seed Oil is high in polyunsaturated fats, low in carbs, perfect to enter a ketogenic state. In the 2-3 days leading up to your fast, increase your usual 1 TBSP daily serving to 3 TBSP a day. The Brothers Green Hemp Seed Oil is perfect because it's cold-pressed, unprocessed, Omega-3 rich healthy oil.

    The Water Fast Itself

    Stage 2 - 12 Hours Fasting

    By 12 hours fasting you’ve entered the metabolic state called ketosis (Anton et al., Obesity 2018). This is when your body starts to break down stored energy and starts to burn fat. 

    Stage 3 - 18 Hours Fasting

    By 18 hours you’ve switched to fat-burning mode and are generating significant ketones (Anton et al., Obesity 2018).

    Stage 4 - 24 Hours Fasting

    Within 24 hours your cells are increasingly recycling old components and breaking down misfolded proteins linked to alzheimers and other diseases (Alirezaei et al., Autophagy 2010). This is the process called autophagy which we need to begin immune system regeneration.

    Stage 5 - 48 Hours Fasting

    By 48 hours fasting without any/ very few calories, carbs or protein, your growth hormone level has increased up to five times higher than when you started your fast (Hartman et al.,1992).

    Stage 6 - 54 Hours Fasting

    By 54 hours your insulin has dropped to its lowest level point since you started fasting and your body is becoming increasingly insulin-sensitive (Klein et al., 1993). This is where those with type 2 diabetes (insulin insensitivity) begin to see the body naturally re-sensitise to insulin. 

    Stage 7 - 72 Hours Fasting

    By 72 hours water fasting your body is breaking down old immune cells and generating new ones (Cheng et al., 2014).

    Benefits of Water Fasting - The Brothers Green

    Maximising the Fasting Benefits

    Stage 8 - After the Water Fast - The 'Refeed'

    What happens after a water fast - the ‘refeed’ - is one of the most important parts of the fast as this is how your body will regenerate your system. After multiple days without any food your digestive system needs something simple and easy to process. The best food to break a fast is light fruit such as watermelon or a smoothie is the best way to start. This is giving your system a chance to get used to food again before beginning on solid foods. Usually waiting 2-3 hours after your fruit or smoothie is enough time before reintroducing solid food. Although it can be tempting to get stuck into an indulging feed, you won’t regret giving your body time to readjust. This ensures you don’t upset the system and can get back to your normal routine. Your first feed will taste amazing!

    I find that my appetite is never as strong as before the fast, the fast can reset our idea of hunger. This gives our mind the understanding that just because our stomach is empty, it does not mean our bodies need more food. It can make it a lot easier to introduce an intermittent fasting regime or healthier diet as it resets your hunger and taste buds.

    Hemp Oil & Hemp Seeds

    The Brothers Green Hemp Seed Oil & Hemp Hearts are the ideal food for the transition back into eating. They are light, versatile and easy on the gut. The high polyunsaturated fats and low carbohydrates profile will keep your body in ketosis and prolong the benefits of your fast. 

    Stages of Fasting- The Brothers Green

    Brad enjoying the 'refeed' at Gre3n Superfood after his 72-hour fast.

    Fasting While Working & Working Out While Fasting

    When Brendon and I did our water fast we aimed to fast for 72 hours. Consuming nothing but water, tea and black coffee for three days. We had our last meal on Monday evening and then we didn’t eat again until Thursday evening. During this time we also:

    • Worked three full days
    • Went to the gym three times
    • Walked up the Rapaki Track at Otautahi’s Port Hills
    • Attended a Bikram Yoga session at Flow Hot Yoga Christchurch
    • Ran around Hagley Park, Otautahi’s largest park

    All while not eating. This is not exactly necessary, but we wanted to highlight the fact that we do not always need to eat to operate. Our body stores energy (yes, that’s what fat is) for us to use in these times, however, we never have access to this stored energy because we keep topping up our fuel tank with food.

    As a matter of fact, one of the most surprising outcomes of the fast is how much more focused you are, and how much work you can get done when you’re not having to prepare and consume a meal three times a day. Your body is the most complicated and intelligent machine that we have ever discovered. You’re not going to fall over and die if you don’t eat for 12 hours - I’m not sure how we would have made it this far otherwise. Especially when we have so much energy stored around our body.

    My favourite part… it’s so simple! Just drink water and don’t eat… I dare ya!!

    Our 3 Water Fasting Tips

    1. Share the Experience and Results

    Practice with a friend, group or partner. This means you have someone to share the experience with and they can keep you on track. It is always easier knowing that someone else is going through the same experience and you will both be able to share the benefits.

    2. Keep Your Schedule Free

    Don’t plan anything too strenuous or physically difficult. Enjoy the last 24 – 48 hours of the fast at home (weekends, days off, quarantine etc.) and try not to plan any social engagements around a meal. Instead you could go for a walk or have a cup of tea. 

    3. Keep Your Mind Busy

    Although you don’t want to be doing anything involving food, it is a great time to read, study, do some mindfulness or complete those tedious jobs that you have been putting off. You will see that you will have a lot more time in your day, so planning to get some of these activities and jobs done will pass the time quicker.

    4. Use Hemp in Transition Periods

    Before & after the fast are the key times for getting the most benefits. Food with high fats and low carbs are perfect. Drink hemp seed oil and eat hemp seeds! Click here to explore The Brothers Green product range.

    Benefits of Water Fasting - The Brothers Green

    Fast Series Part 4: Eight Steps to a Successful Water Fast

    Comments (81)

    I want to thank the Almighty God for giving me a second chance of life through Dr Ehimare, who helped me by sending his treatment to cure my terrible Herpes disease that has troubled me for years..At first I thought my life was over and all hope was lost but God gave me a second chance through him

    May God bless you richly Sir

    If you have any medical issues WhatsApp +2348164829121?

    Email him on:


    I believe this will serve as a wake-up call for those who have lost interest in natural medicine. Anyway, I would like to share my healing encounter with the genital herpes virus with the help of “Dr EHIMARE ``natural herb’s medicines”. I ordered these products online and followed their guidelines and instructions on how to use them daily for 14 days, I had several signs while using the medicine, and although I was skeptical to try it as it was my first time buying anything online, I was convinced to proceed after reading so many reviews from other client’s on how they are permanently cured of various diseases and infections. Finally, after using the medicine for 14 days, I went for a check-up on the 17th day, after some days passed the blood test result came out that I was negative for the virus and there was no trace of symptoms in my body, I did the test again at another hospital and I got the same result. I am motivated to share my experience because I never believed that a cure could be achieved after everything the medical team said about the HSV virus. My colleague at work whom I told about my healing testimony also has a mother’s diabetes, it’s a great triumph to know that her healing journey is incredible just within 14 days, she is already recovering and cured of all symptoms. You can search if you want try them or contact them directly at :::

    WhatsApp number: +2348164829121


    I believe this will serve as a wake-up call for those who have lost interest in natural medicine. Anyway, I would like to share my healing encounter with the genital herpes virus with the help of “Dr OARE natural herb’s medicines”. I ordered these products online and followed their guidelines and instructions on how to use them daily for 14 days, I had several signs while using the medicine, and although I was skeptical to try it as it was my first time buying anything online, I was convinced to proceed after reading so many reviews from other client’s on how they are permanently cured of various diseases and infections. Finally, after using the medicine for 14 days, I went for a check-up on the 17th day, after some days passed the blood test result came out that I was negative for the virus and there was no trace of symptoms in my body, I did the test again at another hospital and I got the same result. I am motivated to share my experience because I never believed that a cure could be achieved after everything the medical team said about the HSV virus. My colleague at work whom I told about my healing testimony also has a mother’s diabetes, it’s a great triumph to know that her healing journey is incredible just within 14 days, she is already recovering and cured of all symptoms. You can search if you want try them or contact them directly at

    WhatsApp number: +2349055659809


    Hello & Happy Fasting! I appreciated reading your article, the stages, and the comments as well. I’m on day 3 (water fast) of my 7 day detox. I’ve already lost 6lbs. Today I juiced and sipped on that. Tonight I decided to have a warm broth for dinner. It also seems my eyesight has gotten a little better. I’ll probably break fast tomorrow by juicing and a smoothie for lunch.


    Hi, I am doing water fasting for the last 12 days. Started on 1st Feb 2025. Please tell me why my tongue is so white and my mouth tastes so horrible. This is the only reason that forced me to stop doing it. Also please tell me what supplements should be included while doing water fasting. One more thing, I lost 7 kg in 7 days and now 200 grams per day in the last five days. Why is this so? This is a shock to me.


    Day 2 of 7 day water fast. Amazing how much time we spend preparing and eating food. Filling time away from food is hard. Hunger is a swing. Thanks for comments and hearing the benefits is very helpful

    jess earle

    Im on my day 3 out of 72 hour water fast. Its my second time. Last time it was really hard, I was thinking about food all the time. 😄 But this time, after half a year is different.

    I am fasting biblically, not to gain any health benefits, (its a lovely bonus I think) but to feel closer to God and one more reason I asked of Him.
    I asked the Lord to help me to fast in His strength, not mine and I dont feel that hungry actually! We should seek Jesus first and everything else will added to us. So praise the Lord and Jesus bless you all! 💖


    I am 75 hours into my 120 hour fast and feeling great! :D


    46 minutes until the end of my 72 hour water fast. Had plantar fasciitis for months, day 2 stopped hurting. Very productive at work. Headed into OMAD moving forward. Panicky hunger the first morning, about 12 hours in. It was my head, not my stomach. Not one more hunger issue since. Would like to do this once a month.

    Amy Creech

    I’ve just completed my 72hr water fast. I am considering going another 8hrs before having a fruit smoothie.
    What I did: Bottled water with Himalayan pink salt additive, Apple cider vinegar w/mother, and coffee.
    How I felt: I didn’t experience hunger pangs the entire time. I felt great. I continued my exercise routine throughout.
    Why I did it: I wanted a full system reboot and get the benefits everyone is talking about.
    Who am I? I’m a 68-year-old who wants quality of life into my 90’s.
    Will I do it again? Yes!


    on day 9 of first 1- day strict water only fast first 63 hours dry fast… feeling very wonderful except achiness for detoxifying and cleansing that made it challenging to sleep last night planning to go right into extened 40 day 30 additiona days of juice fasting and learning that i need to add electroytes and fat probably coconut pasty melted down. Using perfect amino acide for protein and probably Tony hortons protein powder for proteins any suggestions and advise greatly greatly appreciated. Doing some serious repentance in sackcloth and ashes and praying for much divine mercy and deliverance as never before. This sight is the best i have seen so far searching the last few hours for advise and counsel! thank you all for wonderful inshgtful comments as well! God Bless! ALL PRAISE HONOR AND GLORY BE TO GOD AND THE LAMB FOREVER AND EVER MORE!


    I am currently 28 hrs in to a 30 day fast. I will report back in 1 month.


    54 hours into the fast, feel good not hungry at all since started, reckon could go longer than the 72 hours but out the following day on 15 mile hike so going to fuel before. Information on this page was super helpful thank you!

    Chris Binns

    i am 40 hours into an attempt @a 72 hour water fast, the electrolytes must be helping in my water because i feel fine, over half way there now.4lb gone @36hrs.


    I am wrapping up my 72 hour fast. The first 24 hours was a little bit tough because my body wanted to eat at the times I’m used to eating.
    I began this journey by fasting a week prior by doing a 16/8.
    And I was mentally preparing myself to go into a 72 hour fast.
    What’s amazing is you have so much clarity, energy, and you’re really not hungry. So this is an incredible way to reset you gut, cleanse and create new stem cells.
    Our bodies are an awesome machine!!! Thank you God!

    Kimberly Castillo

    Great info on the stages, just at the end of a 78 hour fast longest I’ve done yet.I work on site as a civil engineering carpenter so quite a physical job, really surprised how easily I’ve done it.I’ve had more energy than I do when I’m eating regularly.When I’m not fasting I’ve been on a strict keto diet since January.So I’ve felt strong anyway but as I say really surprised how great I feel could definitely go longer.

    Kevin Barrett

    I just did a two day fast. I tried to go for three but got nauseous on the third day and stopped about six hours into the day. However, reading this article and a few others actually helped me stay with it. Knowing the benefits in stages was very helpful. So thank you. I will be trying again soon.

    Tiffany Rogers

    Hello, hello, love this article. Tomorrow morning I’ll be completing my 79 hours fast. Definitely going to look into the products you sell. Do you have a distribution in the UK? Thanks!

    Ester W.

    prolong water fast 72 hrs how many times in a month ?

    mujeeb ahmed

    Hello brother I found your information on the physiology of fasting very interesting. I am in a partial state of ketosis, eating mainly fruits vegetables and nuts at the end of the day. I have begun my 3 day fast today. I’m afraid but determined to make it, especially with the information I’ve acquired about what stages the body enters as the fasting progresses.


    Hello admin, Your posts are always a great source of knowledge.

    Elouise Cottrell

    I’m in my second day of the water fast , I’m so hungry with a little bit of energy but I’m hanging in there . I’m only drinking water no coffee/ tea at all .will complete my 3 day . Thanks for the information


    Dear admin, Your posts are always well-supported and evidence-based.

    Amee Eyre

    To the owner, Your posts are always well-formatted and easy to read.

    Julia Vanwinkle

    I am so glad I opened this page when looking up pros and cons of extended water fast. Lots of the information on the net points readers away from water fasts and raises alarms for health concerns. I am on day 3 of water fast and I feel good. A bit less energy when exercising, but I woke up for the past two days ready to face the day, without alarm clock, and with mental clarity. Reading many of the comments gives me encouragement to continue further and allow my body to reset its metabolism, energy consumption, and ultimately change my eating habits. I am reading a book “Drop Acid” by David Perlmutter MD which is also eye opening and gives me a great place to start a healthier, more energetic, and enjoyable future. Stick to it, it’s well worth the challenge.


    Interesting article with interesting feedback.
    I’ve been water fasting for 7 years. Just once a year. Last year my usual 72 hour fast was so easy I went on to complete a 4th day. Year after year it gets easier and more enjoyable. My family too is now involved.

    One important thing to dive deeper on that is HUGELY important. When the old cells are burned they release toxins. Some are heavy metals. You do not want these released into your bloodstream for reabsorption. For that reason it is important to add a “binder supplement” once ketosis starts.

    The cautions with binders…
    Use a proper binder that does not need food for it to be expelled. Something that can be expelled through urine.
    Use binders for toxins and heavy metals.
    Best I have found to suit is a liquid Silica and powdered Chlorella devolved in water.

    I also maintain my daily dose (3 drops) of a deep earth Iodine (the only type I would recommend) to promote the necessary cellular activity being activated by your fast..

    Finally, AFTER YOUR FAST IS BROKEN follow up with a liver cleanse and liver supplement. There are many so pick one right for you.

    Parasite cleanses are also incredible. they do not require fasting but they do require a total lack of sugar and grains (which feed parasites). Using good quality antiparasitic teas for a week or two (yes along time with out bread lol) .
    Again, use binders that capture the toxins that the parasites release as a defence mechanism. NOW YOUR PROAND PREBIOTICS WILL ACTUALLY WORK!

    I started the fasting regimen in desperation with astounding results to my health. My immune systems now kicks ass and I have noted my brain function (no brain fog anymore), energy, stamina and skin. It is the only reason I continue to do because the results are simply undeniable.

    Good luck to all of you. And congratulations for taking your health into your own hands.


    Happy Friday, I was so happy to find your instruction/information on the right and safe way to start fasting and recorrecting your body in and better healthier way. I wanted a safe way to do a 3-day water fast and then get into happy healthy eating. Thanks so much for helping me out I would like to keep your posted on how it goes while following what I read. This is important for me to do this because I’m getting ready to have a knee replacement and I want my body to be ready for it and also to have a great recovery process.

    Julian Black

    This is a great read. I had started my water fast already when I found your site. Part of my motivation to keep on track is looking online for inspiration and I found it here this time. I short fast regularly and long fast at least once a year, so I’m going to include help oil in my prep on the next one. Thanks for the tip. Great to hear from fasting legends in Aotearoha too. Otautahi is my hometown.


    thanks for the information youssefweb7-online forever


    Hi, I am on day 2 of a 3 day water fast. I am hungry, but feel pretty good. Just laying low and drinking green tea and lemon water. I am hoping to build new stem cells to ward off my auto immune response to winter.
    I fortified well before I started and plan on breaking the fast with a smoothie, including hemp seeds. This isn’t easy LoL 🤠


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